Unlocking Opportunities in Logistic and Industrial Real Estate

Our mission is to efficiently transparently support parties seeking commercial space in their search. We offer an up-to-date European market overview of all available properties that match the search query.

  • As a seeker, you will not receive an invoice from LogiSpaceConnect. Our success fee is billed to the space provider.
  • By submitting your search request, you will receive a list of all available properties that match it.

  • The overview of available properties is visible in your personal online portal. In which:
      • The properties highlighted in red are also involved in other search requests.
      • The properties marked blue are involved in a negotiation.
      • Properties that are no longer available are removed
  • “New offers ” are added in real time to your online portal. This for the duration of your search request.
    You will be automatically notified of any new offer by mailing. 

  • By the above method you keep an up-to-date overview of the market.

In connection with the above, please see the following FAQ:

. Can I use LogiSpaceConnect as a research tool?

. Am I obligated to respond to a search request if I have offered available space?

  • You can register your objects with us completely free of charge and without obligation, so that they are included in the search requests we receive. You will receive a brokerage proposal in advance, which will only be charged in the event of a final agreement.
  • You are free to continue searching for a suitable tenant for your property yourself or with the help of other parties.
  • Will we find a possible match? We will then first contact you to verify whether the property is still available and under what conditions.
  • Your offer is made visible in real time on the interactive map for all European parties looking for business space.
  • Automatically, your offer is included in current and new searches.
  • As a service of LogiSpaceConnect, every third Tuesday of the month, parties who have subscribed to the free newsletter and place an offer at LogiSpaceConnect, receive an overview of all (registered) available properties within a 15 km radius of their (business) location(s). So your of available space every month, regionally under the attention.
  • As a result, as a provider, you will be notified monthly of available properties within a 15 km radius of your offered location.

In connection with the above, please see the following FAQ:

. Can I use LogiSpaceConnect as a research tool?

. Am I obligated to respond to a search request if I have offered available space?

. Is it smart to register all my current (ancillary) location(s) with LogiSpaceConnect, even if I don’t currently have space available?

Submit business space:

  • Offer (temporary) available space through the website.

Submit search request:

  • After submitting your search request, you will receive an up-to- date offer of available properties for the duration of your search.
  • Clearly displayed in your own online supply portal.

  • You are kept informed in real time of “new” offers in your search area throughout the entire tender process.

Relocation of business space:

  • Through “Submit search request” you can search for a future business location and at the same time through “Offer business  space” you offer the space you might want to divest so you get in touch with potential candidate.

Construction sites:

  • Getting in touch with developers who have land positions.

In connection with the above, please see the following FAQ:

. Can I use LogiSpaceConnect as a research tool?

. Am I obligated to respond to a search request if I have offered available space?

. Is it smart to register my current (branch) location(s) with LogiSpaceConnect even though I don’t currently have space available?

Submit business space:

  • Offer (temporary) available space through the website.

Submit search request:

  • After submitting your search request, you will receive an up-to- date offer of available properties for the duration of your search.
  • Clearly displayed in your own online supply portal.

  • You are kept informed in real time of “new” offers in your search area throughout the entire tender process.

Relocation of business space:

  • Through “Submit search request” you can search for a future business location and at the same time through “Offer business  space” you offer the space you might want to divest so you get in touch with potential candidate.

Construction sites:

  • Getting in touch with developers who have land positions.

In connection with the above, please see the following FAQ:

. Can I use LogiSpaceConnect as a research tool?

. Am I obligated to respond to a search request if I have offered available space?

. Is it smart to register all my current (ancillary) location(s) with LogiSpaceConnect, even if I don’t currently have space available?

Submit business space:

  • Short hire during preparation phase until final development.

Market research:

  • On potential tenants in case of a planned sale to a real estate investor.

  • On interest in a (potential) location/building site.

  • When you post your (potential) available space on LogiSpaceConnect before or during development, you receive the names of potential tenants. Your available space then matches their search.

In connection with the above, please see the following FAQ:

. Can I use LogiSpaceConnect as a research tool?

. Am I obligated to respond to a search request if I have offered available space?

. Is it smart to register my current (branch) location(s) with LogiSpaceConnect even though I don’t currently have space available?

Submit business space:

  • When you post your (potential) available (new construction) space on LogiSpaceConnect, you receive the names of potential tenants. Your available space then matches their search request. 

Market research:

  • If there is a current lease, for possible renewal, gauge whether other parties are interested in the property.
  • To gauge interest within the real estate market prior to possible purchase of property or a building site.

In connection with the above, please see the following FAQ:

. Can I use LogiSpaceConnect as a research tool?

. Am I obligated to respond to a search request if I have offered available space?

. Is it smart to register all my current (ancillary) location(s) with LogiSpaceConnect, even if I don’t currently have space available?

· Yes, as a service of LogiSpaceConnect you will receive, every third Tuesday of the month and without obligation, an overview of registered available properties within a 15 km radius of your location(s). It’s always good to know what’s going on in your area.

· Moreover, when you have space available and want to offer it, it is done in two clicks, from your own online portal. Your offer instantly appears on the interactive map and is immediately included in current and future search requests. 

· If the space is no longer available, it only takes one click to indicate this from your own portal. We can’t make it easier.


See also: “Can I use LogiSpaceConnect as a research tool? ” and “Am I obligated to respond to a search request if I have offered available space? “

· Yes indeed: When offering an existing or newly built commercial property, the location offered is shown as an indicative location on the interactive map. As soon as someone is interested, we will contact you to find out whether the location is still available. If so, only then will the object be offered to the seeker. This is particularly interesting for developers and investors in logistics and industrial real estate. 

In connection with the above, please see the following FAQ:
Am I obligated to respond to a search request if I have offered available space? 

  • No, don’t the momentum suit you, for whatever reason, just let the search query pass.
    At the next search query, you can again make a choice to respond to it.

In connection with the above, please see the following FAQ:

. Can I use LogiSpaceConnect as a research tool?

· To use LogiSpaceConnect as a research tool.

In connection with the above, please see the following FAQ:

. Can I use LogiSpaceConnect as a research tool?

  • No not yet. We are currently exploring the possibility of setting up a franchise business, with local franchisees in Europe.
  • In anticipation of this, we would like to get in touch with experienced property agents who would like to join LogiSpaceConnect on an exclusive basis as a franchisee for a defined region in Europe.

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